A film by
Claude Barras

Theatrical Release October 16, 2024

Available with audio description

At the edge of Borneo’s vast rainforest, Kéria rescues a baby orangutan found in the palm plantation where her father works. At the same time, her young cousin Selaï seeks refuge with her family, fleeing the conflict that opposes his nomadic people to the logging companies. Kéria, Selaï, and Oshi, the baby orangutan, will fight together to protect the endangered native forest – a fight that also takes Kéria on a journey to uncover the truth about her roots.

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Take action

Explore the resources, tools, and calls to action available to help you go further after watching the film. This page offers everything you need to get involved in whatever way you can, and spark a real change!

“Savages” impact campaign is designed to drive positive change on the key issues highlighted in the film. Developed in partnership with renowned organizations advocating for biodiversity protection, anti-deforestation, and sustainable food – such as foodwatch, Bruno Manser Fund, Greenpeace France, Kalaweit, and others – the campaign draws on their expertise to support director Claude Barras’ determination of protecting the living world and call for stronger measures to end deforestation and put a halt to ecocidal projects on Borneo. Join the movement and be part of the action inspired by the film!


Stop imported deforestation

Sign the petition
to end deforestation

Every two seconds, a forest area the size of a football pitch is wiped off the planet. Let’s come together to urge French and European policymakers to take real action against deforestation.

I’m taking action

For the
younger ones


Call on the food industry!

NO to palm oil in our food!

Palm oil travels thousands of kilometres from the farthest corners of the globe to end up on our plates, negatively impacting the environment, biodiversity, human rights, and our health. Yet, sustainable alternatives exist. It’s time for the food industry to take responsibility! Join foodwatch in urging food manufacturers to substitute palm oil with more responsible and locally produced sustainable alternatives.

I call on the food industry

For the
younger ones


Protect Borneo's biodiversity

Donate to save square metres of Bornean forest

Help save the Oshi forest! By supporting Kalaweit in creating protected reserves, you enable the association to safeguard the orangutan habitat from deforestation.

I’m taking action

Meet the Forest Guardians and the Penan people

Support the Forest Guardians and help create a reserve

Support the Forest Guardians and help create a protected area in the Magoh region. Your contribution will enable the Penan people to continue living in harmony with the forest.

I’m taking action

For the
younger ones


A project supported by